Archive for the ‘TV’ Category

Tennessee Tuxedo is one of those characters that is now long forgotten. A Product of Total Tele Vision from the early 60s, it featured the great Don Adams as the voice of Tennesse Tuxedo.

Much of Total Tele Vision’s output is forgotten today or often mistaken as being created by Jay Ward. I have fond memories of watching King Leonardo, Commander McBragg and Tennessee Tuxedo, but don’t think I was ever really a fan of Underdog, which is strange as he was TTV’s most famous character.

While this is just standard, run of the mill TV animation from the 60s I still prefer it to much of what you can see on Cartoon Network today. It and the Jay Ward and Hanna Barbera stuff that came out at this time had a lot of charm that disappeared by the end of that decade and did not return until the late 80s. Of course by the time the new millenium arrived much of the charm in TV animation again disappeared.

Here’s a brief clip of Walt Disney as the mystery guest on What’s My Line in 1956.

It also features Jerry Lewis as a panelist, who makes a pitch about Muscular Dystrophy at the end of the segment.

BTW, is it my imagination or does one of the panelists, Bennett Cerf, sound a lot like Elmer Fudd.

Here’s a clip of Clarence ‘Ducky’ Nash on the TV show What’s My Line in 1954.

I have just noticed that this post which I did a few weeks ago but had scheduled to come up yesterday was totally blank, which has caused me to re-edit the whole thing. I swear that when I made the original post there was a video and I wrote some witty (or perhaps that should be witless) text to go along with it.

 I can’t remember exactly what I wrote in my earlier post, but I do like seeing Clarence Nash in the flesh having fun on this classic US TV show.


As a kid growing up my favourite show on TV was Get Smart. I still have fond memories of spending Sunday afternoons at my grandparents house, eating a hot roast lunch (with Yorkshire Pudding!) and watching episodes of Get Smart on Channel 7 after World of Sport.


Anyway, it’s just been announced that Get Smart will be released on DVD in November. The bad news is that it won’t  be available for general release in Australia (or elsewhere) until the end of 2007. Unfortunately the DVD has been released through Time-Life. Much like the release of Hogan’s Heroes and Dad’s Army, these DVDs will be available from Time-Life’s website, or I suppose by ringing their 1800 telephone number (if you call in the next 15 minutes we’ll throw in a set of steak knives!) for twelve months before they will be available in stores. From the information that I have gathered you have to buy all five seasons at once for the whopping price of US $200. (You can pay in 4 monthly installment if you use your credit card)


For more information on Get Smart, here’s the Get Smart wikipedia article


Would You is perhaps the best Get Smart website out there.


Keep an eye on Time-Life’s Australian website for details on whether these Get Smart dvds will ever be available to us.